Cyber Essentials Explained
The Cyber Essentials (CE) scheme is a simple, yet effective Government backed framework that will help protect your organisation against a range of the most common Internet-based cyber attacks. It provides a cyber security certification scheme that was developed as a part of the UK Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy. The Cyber Essentials security scheme specifies (5) basic control areas (firewalls, secure configuration, security update management, user access control, and malware protection) that all organisations should address in order to mitigate the risk from common cyber threats and demonstrate a clear commitment to improving their approach to cyber security. The scheme offers two levels of certification, namely ‘Cyber Essentials’ and ‘Cyber Essentials Plus’.
The scheme is administered and managed by IASME Consortium (IASME) on behalf of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a part of GCHQ. URM is an accredited certification body which means we have been trained and licensed to certify against the Government’s and IASME Cyber Essentials Scheme. At the same time, URM is an accredited Assured Service Provider under the NCSC Cyber Advisor scheme, meaning that our team of Cyber Advisors (Cyber Essentials) is able to provide you with practical, cost effective and reliable advice to improve your cyber security and achieve ‘Cyber Essentials’ and ‘Cyber Essentials Plus’ certifications.

What is Cyber Essentials?
Certification to Cyber Essentials provides reassurance that your security controls will protect against the vast majority of common cyber attacks, and will act as a significant deterrent to cyber criminals.

What is Cyber Essentials Plus?
In order to achieve Cyber Essentials Plus, you must already be certified to Cyber Essentials. Gaining the extra qualification will involve a technical expert conducting an on-site or remote audit of your IT systems.
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We answer questions such as: How do you certify to Cyber Essentials (CE) and Cyber Essentials Plus? How long is CE certification valid for? And many more
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